glowing knowledge

Friday, February 1, 2008

How to ask a girl out

How to ask a girl out

When you would like to ask a girl out, just find the right time and place to ask. Sometimes you will just be hanging out, talking, when you feel you would like to make a date with her. If you do not really know her (I've been in the sitch), but have seen her in school, or with other friends you know, then it might take a little more effort, but it certainly can be done. Give her a compliment. Talk with her about your similarities and differences. Once you feel comfortable about it, do it. Or go up to her and say "You know... I really, really like you and I was wondering if you would maybe go out with me?" It will probably work.

Glowing Steps

  1. Make sure that the girl is someone you honestly feel for, not just a crush, heartbreaking a girl means they might encourage other girls not to go out with you.
  2. Find out about the activities and hobbies she likes, but always be mindful. The more you know about her interests, the more things you will have to talk about.
  3. Approach the girl you like. Try to dress fairly decently, but don't overdo it. For example, if you're a T-shirt and jeans person, wear that. Do not show up wearing a suit and tie, because you want her to like you for you, and you don't want to give her any false ideas. Look somewhat decent, showing that you are trying. Don't show up wearing overpowering cologne two squirts is enough. Just enough for her to notice you when talking to you but not for some guy across the room to notice.
  4. Greet her in whatever fashion you normally would, but remember, being overly cordial or more relaxed than she knows you to be can reveal to her you are trying too hard and therefore not confident with being yourself, which will mirror that same anxiety within her, ruining your chances. In other words, be yourself. The greeting is what sets the precedent for who you are. If the greeting creates an odd situation where there is a bit of personality clash, it can ruin your entire chance. Traditionally, following the greeting is the conversation. Reiterating from before, its important to be yourself, so talk about subjects that you are interested in, and give responses to how you genuinely feel. Honesty is much, much more than just telling the truth, it's about showing people you live a life other than theirs and have sovereign ideas, thoughts and feelings.
  5. Gauge her interest. Take notice of eye contact, smiling, laughter, and enthusiasm in her responses. Learn to read women's body language.
  6. Ease into your invitation. After you have been talking for awhile, and it's obvious that both of you "click", invite her to be involved with you in an activity. Almost any activity is perfectly suitable. Mundane activities like grocery shopping or more exhilarating ones like snowboarding are great ways for her to get to know you, although inviting her for having coffee at a Cafe, or even a drink at a bar are not only great ideas, but traditional as well. After you and her have had the opportunity to "feel" each other out, find a time in the conversation where it would be appropriate to ask her out. The way you would ask her is quite simple in fact. An example would be: "Hey I'm going/doing ACTIVITY this weekend. How would you like to tag along? I promise it'll be more interesting than whatever you had planned." Say this with a small smile, teasingly. Do NOT use cheesy pickup lines, as they are not you. The example doesn't have to be followed verbatim, you can ask it in whatever way you feel is comfortable, but the important part is that you make a time to see her, and ask if she wants to come with you.
  7. Spend time with her and a group of other people (not a one-on-one date). This will make her feel more comfortable as it's not as intense as being out as a couple.
  8. Keep in mind that all women are looking for different things in men, and not every women will be compatible with you. If she's not interested, this doesn't mean you aren't good enough, it just means your personality is not compatible with hers, so "try, try again".
  9. Ask her when you two are ALONE. Having others around you will stir pressure on her to say yes or no. Also, make sure the girl you are asking out is genuine and will really like you - not just because she has big boobs or is popular.
  10. Whatever you do, don't write a note - it's not direct so she will think you're shy.

Glowing Tips

  • Have fun - don't try to be serious all the time! Most of them like to have some fun every now and then.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Be extremely nice and treat her with respect. This is a must. If you can't treat a girl right, don't even bother trying.
  • Become her friend. This is half the battle, and at the very worst at least you * Have fun with her and make sure her boyfriend doesn't hunt you down and stalk you
  • have one more friend than you had before.
  • Be calm and confident. If you're sweating and stuttering, that girl will feel nervous about going out with you. Girls want guys that are confident, but not cocky.
  • Some girls prefer to be called "sexy" or "hot." Others prefer to be called "lovely" or "beautiful." Make sure you don't use the wrong word. There are other good ones too like "stunning," "irresistible," "really something," "gorgeous," "a hottie," etc. Try not to get stuck on just one.
  • Practice talking to her. If you feel uncomfortable talking to her, you probably aren't ready to ask her out.
  • Think of subjects to discuss on the date; stories about yourself, things you want to know about her, etc. in advance.
  • Being relaxed and confident is the difference between a comfortable silence and an unbearable silence. It's natural to have breaks in the conversation. Don't sweat it.
  • Don't ask your friends to do it. You will have a better chance coming from you.
  • If you get nervous when you go to ask her out, don't worry about it. Some girls actually think this is cute.
  • Smell nice when you go to ask her out! Smell is a big turn off! At least put on some deodorant, and don't overdo the cologne (some find it offending). Also, Be careful about wearing strong aftershave. Some girls like the smell, while others don't. Just make sure you know if she likes/dislikes it.
  • Girls hate it when you have a friend ask them out. Otherwise, they get all confused and will not talk to you if she doesn't know the real deal. * If you are not sure if it's the right thing to do don't do it. You want a girl you know is interested in you so don't rush.
  • Joking around with her, even if it's in your nature, isn't always the best thing to do when asking her out. Show her that you can go outside of your element for her. Besides, if you're already laughing and you bring it up stupidly (ex. saying "Oh yeah, we should go out.") then she may not take it seriously.
  • Don't be afraid of rejection! Most girls have big hearts and will let you down very easily, if at all. Some girls agree to one date just because you asked and they're being nice. Don't take it the wrong way, it simply means she likes you enough to not hurt your feelings but not enough that she's ready for a relationship.
  • Try Double Dating when you first go out. If you can't drive it's a great idea, because would you rather your mom take you? I didn't think so. It also relieves pressure for the girl and can keep you out of sticky situations. If you're nervous, having a cool older friend that you're comfortable with and their date can help you feel relax and have a better time.
  • Remember the three P's of dating. For it to be a date it has to be Planned Ahead, Paid for, and Paired Off. Have a plan, don't go out there winging it because you'll do something stupid. If you're a guy, be a man and respect the girl enough to pay for her. Paired off, you don't have to be completely exclusive but it allows the date to be loyal to you in all the activities which leads to deeper bonds and deeper trust.
  • If the girl says "No," don't get really annoyed and show it. If you don't get annoyed and still get to know her better and then you ask again in about a couple of weeks she might say yes (if this doesn't work just give up)
  • Let her know that you really like her or else she might think you just want to have a short relationship.
  • have fun. No girl wants to be with a guy who is boring.
  • be's a little weird when someone starts to stutter and say um alot
  • Another thing by the same guy who said not to e-mail ask, ask her out, most people are scared, do you know why, because of the big NO, don't worry, if you really really love her it should work for you.

Glowing Warnings

  • Some girls think it's cute when your shy. It makes them feel guilty, and really bad if they were to reject you.
  • If you give her a note, leave it in her locker, because it gives her time to think about it before she gets around to answering. Rememer, dates are about seeing if you think you would have a chance with someone!
  • Try to be mature around her! No girl likes a guy who tells cheesy jokes or plays with food!
  • Absolutely don't ask in front of anyone else, because it might embarrass her.
  • Keep your hands to yourself! Trying to get physical with a girl right away just tells her that you consider her to be an object and not an actual person.
  • Whatever you do, DO NOT STARE AT THE GIRL'S CLEAVAGE WHEN ASKING HER OUT. It will make her feel uncomfortable, as she will think that is all you want in her.
  • Be persistent, but not too persistent. If she turns you down gently, then she's politely telling you she's not interested. If she flat out refuses, back away. You don't want any girl to think you're a stalker.
  • If you have to ask her out through a friend, you will get a "no" by default. Girls do not enjoy hearing, "Hey! I'm asking you out for (Name of guy). He doesn't like you enough to overcome his lack of confidence." They will hear this regardless of how tactful your friend is, unless her friend is a very close friend to both you and herself.
  • Do not ask right away; you will always get a "no" just because she can always say she doesn't know you well enough. This one is big, get to know them well, then when you're both ready, ask her out cool and calm, and never try to kiss her on a first date unless you're positive that you both want to.
  • Do not try to buy her the world on the first date (e.g. teddies, etc.) because she might not want to develop the relationship.
  • Don't keep prying at a rejection. It's okay to ask how come if she says no, but don't be invasive.
  • Another great tip, do not under any circumstanses ask her out via e-mail. This will put her off greatly and she will not go out with you because she thinks that you are too scared to ask her out

What to do during a date

What to do during a date

Do not know what to do on a first date or Can't continue a second or third date? Follow these instructions, and you'll soon be on your way to a fabulous social life!

Glowing Steps

  1. Don’t look at other people. Focus your attention on your date and make them feel as if they matter the most to you compared to other people.
  2. Let them know you care by doing something interesting and memorable with them. Take them disc golfing, or work together to build a birdhouse to hang outside the window, or bake a raspberry pie together from scratch. Show them your personality by teaching them something you are good at; if you are a man and skateboard, teach them how to Ollie. If you really like this partner (and want them to like you back) then you should be different from all the other people vying for their attention.
  3. Wait at least a few dates before pouring on the romance; romance too early is just creepy. Subsequently, you can buy them gifts when the relationship progresses but only when it is totally unexpected. Predictability is boring, but on the 9th date (or any other random number), a single long stem rose and a "Happy Thursday!" hug will really make their day.
  4. Be yourself and just put your best foot forward. Don’t exaggerate or boast about your credentials, successes, etc. Instead tell them what you really enjoy in life, what gets you excited and want to leap out of bed to pursue. Ask them what they really love in life and what gets them excited. Feel the change in energy during this conversation and revel in it. Then live it by taking them on these activities with you and joining theirs! Sincerity is the best policy. Nobody feels more comfortable than around people who are genuine and sincere.
  5. Don't ever talk about your past relationships. At least, don't keep harping on them. This is a no-no and a sure turn-off. You will only project the impression that you are unable to let go. If your partner asks about your last relationship, just tell them that you realized the two of you weren't as compatible as you initially thought, so you have moved on to look for someone with whom to discover greater mutual happiness. Keep it brief and don't ask about their ex.
  6. Treat your first date as an "interview". The purpose of a first date is to discover if the other person has the qualities and characteristics to be a good partner for you. Don't be rude or tell them that you are judging them, but keep in mind that you are evaluating them to decide if you want to spend considerable amounts of time with this person. They will read between the lines and notice that they are with a partner who knows what they want. If you are not ready to be in a committed relationship, let them know straight away so that you do not give them false hope. Remember, you can communicate most effectively with them through personal style and confidence, not exaggerations and bragging.
  7. Be observant. After dating for a while, you will be able to determine if this person is suitable for you for life or not. During dating, keep both eyes wide open and look for warning signs, but as things begin to get more serious, be sure to kindly let them know if there are things that you would like them to change.
  8. Buy them small token gifts to let them know you care without breaking your bank. After all, they want the gift because it indicates you are thinking about them and care about them. Try not to buy giant gifts like giant teddy bear during a normal date, it will totally turn her off. Try to get something simple or unique like a small teddy bear or a couple keychains. Note that by giving items that comes with a couple will really add more flavours to your relationship or friendship. Couple gift items give each others a sense of identity and it will be very romantic when both of you meet up carrying the same items. Click here for ideas of Glowing couple's gifts

  9. Don't act uninterested or frown. Being disrespectful/rude during a date is not good, even if you don't mean to come off as uninterested. Dazing off into space while s/he is eating/talking isn't good either, and looks like you want to get out as soon as possible.
  10. To keep a healthy "aura" or "air" about you, smile subtly if you have nothing to say for the moment. Or, if you're bored with what they're saying, end the topic by laughing somewhat "naturally" and say, "Yeah" "That's true" or "I agree." Then look off to a distance with your smile and bring up another topic either related to the previous topic or about the environment around you - "Wow, the stars are beautiful."

Glowing Tips

  • Holding serious conversations is perfectly fine. But do not forget to add a spark of humor to your conversations. Humor can create a stronger bond of friendship between you two. It is also great to crack romantic jokes, as it brings up the possibility of what might happen between the two of you.
  • The best time to date is during high school or your undergraduate years as you are young with no "life baggage", but you can also date if you are single again. Marriage is meant to last for better or for worse till death do us part. Enjoy dating while you can and live life to the fullest.
  • No need to go to expensive cafes or restaurants when you cannot afford it. A romantic picnic on the beach at night or just a walk around her favorite shopping complex can pave way for ice-breaking friendly conversations.
  • If you have a problem on how to jump-start a good conversation, try to ask questions first. Listen to their responses and use that to generate lines of conversation that interest you both.
  • Although this is not always possible, try to become friends with the person in group situations before moving into one-on-one dating. This will help eliminate a lot of the awkwardness associated with first dates and give you a better sense of compatibility without any real commitment.

Glowing Warnings

  • Don't rush or settle for someone who doesn't really make you happy! You have your whole life to find a truly wonderful partner. Don't accept just anyone as "good enough"; you deserve someone great!
  • Don't take things out on them. If you have had a bad day, still greet them with pleasure and a big smile. Don't show up for your date complaining about the traffic, your boss, or your job. If you must whine, whine a little during dinner and end that very short whine with a "glad I'm here with you now!" remark.

Ask a girl out at school

How to ask a girl out at school

So there's this girl you like, but you want to make sure they like you first.....

Glowing Steps

  1. Establish a more-than-just-friends relationship. Start by asking her for something to play on, like if you are in her class, ask her for a pencil or eraser. If she's slightly interested, she might play about, teasing you for it. Don't worry, it's not that she doesn't like you. She expects you to play along, so maybe walk off in mock sulk, don't do it too heavily though. She might start to think you are weird if you do.
  2. Compliment her, but be careful. Unless they are desperate, they might think you are desperate or making something too obvious. So maybe tell her you like her new hairstyle but then go behind her and mess around with it, spice it up. She'll like your courage to go play about with her hair but make sure she doesn't have dandruff or lice because although you might not be too bothered, she will get embarrassed and scared to go near you. Also, don't lay it on like you've seen in the movies: "I like your handbag.". No guy, in school, will honestly care about a handbag. Something you might truly like you can compliment on.
  3. Start a ball game (not literally). Be a little far away and look at her, admire her. She'll catch your gaze and look at you. Look away suddenly but keep an eye out for her looking back at you. If she is, get up and walk past her, possibly giving her a little smile as you go. If she isn't then if you play football or basketball you might want a gang of guys ready to shout "Nice one"s or stuff like that. She'll give you a look. Then follow above.
  4. Have chats with her. Ask her if she has any pets and find out some interesting things. Make sure she knows you inside out as well.
  5. Move in closer, be alone and look down. Look up at her eyes, look lost in her world for a second, and then say "I,(pause),like you. So...(cough)..Will you go out with me" While you say this look down. Look up when you say me and smile questioningly. If that isn't your style, there is another way to ask a girl out. All you have to do is walk up (make sure she's alone), and ask her to go out with you in a confident (but relaxed!) manner.
  6. Don't try too hard, girls aren't stupid, they can tell when you get desperate. Be relaxed and confident in yourself.
  7. Don't just become friends with her, become friends with all of her friends, as relationships are made and broken on her friends opinions.
  8. If she says no she means NO. Just back off for awhile, leave her to cool down, but don't give up complete hope.
  9. Be confident, not cocky. The difference is there, and very noticeable for girls. Make jokes and be self-confident; women love it when men make them laugh.
  10. When the time comes to ask her out, wait for the opportune moment. Trust your instincts; they will tell you when the time is right. As mentioned earlier, it's probably best not to do it in front of her friends or in front of your friends. It's easier for both of you if you are alone.

Glowing Tips

  • Don't come on too full or it'll freak her out.
  • Don't treat her like she's desperate, or like she'd do anything for you.
  • Act like you really think you have to work for her to your friends. They might do some secret hinting.
  • Look out for her as well as yourself, defending her is a good way of hinting at your interest while also being a decent person as a whole. Make one of your friends jokingly insult her and then go and defend her. It really works if its your best friend. It shows your willing to stand up to him for her.
  • Give her time to think it out and let her think that you really like her.
  • If you want to make her curious, send her love notes in her locker. Remember you want to be mysterious, give hints in your letter, but don't tell her.

Glowing Warnings

  • Make sure she hasn't got a boyfriend. (especially if he is bigger than you)
  • Don't ask her in front of friends, especially if she is shy.
  • Don't tell the world if she's not ready. She might have some things she has to tie up first.
  • Don't ask super invasive questions about her. Be nice, not a stalker.
  • If you want to ask a girl out to a dance, disco etc and she says no, do not immedieately go and ask someone else out. This will lower your social levels and girls will not want to go out with you because the will think you are desparate.

How to ask a girl to a movie

How to ask a girl to the movie

There are many ways to ask a girl out. However, it's very different to ask a girl to the movies (a dark place, alone with a strange guy) than it is to go to a dinner date. Here's how to approach the matter if you're specifically aiming to watch a movie with her.

Glowing Steps

  1. Ask her what kinds of movies she's seen, which are her favorites, or what's the last movie she saw. This is a good conversation starter that can ease into your asking her to see a movie with you.
  2. Schedule to go to the movies with a group of people, preferably including people she knows, and invite her to come as part of the group.
  3. Buy tickets to a showing that you think she'll enjoy and that's playing at time you know she's free. Don't show her the tickets or say: "I've got an extra ticket. I thought I was going to be able to get a friend to go with me, but that didn't work out, and I'm dying to watch this movie. Want to go?". It will make her feel like she's a last resort and she wont have a good time there. Say something like "hey, are you interested in going to the movies with me and a few friends?" It's not too obvious that you like her but at the same time it makes her feel like you want to go with her in particular.
  4. Offer to take her out for ice cream afterwards and talk about the movie.

Glowing Tips

  • Always ask her what kind of movie she wants to see before automatically choosing a chick flick.
  • Avoid anything too serious, intellectual, or depressing. Go for something light and fun.
  • Have a specific movie in mind plus a backup in case she’s seen choice A or isn’t interested in it.
  • Buy the tickets and popcorn, and if you are well-to-do, show off a little and buy drinks.
  • Movies are always a nice lead up to dinner, and dinner is a nice lead up to second dates.
  • Don't try and make a pass at her during the movie. Just because its dark doesn't mean she'll allow it.
  • Don't put your arm around her unless she leans towards you! Then that might be a sign that she's into you or she wants you to put your arm around her.
  • After the movie, give her a small little surprise like giving her something related to the movie like a note book which has a picture of the movie or get something small and unique like a keychain Click here for unique and romantic keychains

Glowing Warnings

  • If the woman you are pursuing thinks you are not her type, don't push it. You would be surprised who carries a can of mace nowadays. Don't be discouraged, there are millions of girls which you'll meet in your life, and there's going to be some of them you'll have romantic feelings towards. You never know, one of those will love you back.
  • Although going to the movies might seem popular, if you are in your teen years, you should probably decide on a different location if it is your first date. If you are at the movies, you can not really talk to your date unless you interrupt her during the movie. Try going to a coffee shop or some place else where you can talk to her so you can meet her and know more about her before going to the movies.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Ask a Girl to the Movies. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.